Melanie Monaghan

Melanie has over 20 years of experience in the Voluntary and Community Sector, including roles at the CEO/Director level spanning 14 years to draw upon when providing training and consultancy services. Melanie is an experienced Trustee and chair of Trustees, and has been successful in various roles representing the voluntary sector and care groups, at a strategic level as an active and respected member of Safeguarding Children’s Boards, Health and Wellbeing Boards, Local Authority appointed school Governor, and Chair of Safeguarding, Inclusion & Data Protection Committee. Melanie fully understands how the voluntary and community sectors fit into the wider context of health and social care, which allows for an understanding of the strategic context of all services provided, from one training session to a complete policy review. Melanie aims to work practically and reflectively, with a good combination of strategic and operational experience and the skills, knowledge and attitude to help people and organisations achieve their potential for safe, sustainable working practices.